Yummy spicy salmon salad with rice berry and power (Buddha) bowl at Coffee cup Bangrak #buddhabowl #chickenburrito #eatwell #foodiegirl #foodmonster #happystomach #healthyfood #healthylunch #ilovefood #kohsamui #salmonsalad #samui #thailand #youarewhatyoueat #yummy Coffee Cup Bangrak Koh Samui Thailand April 14, 2019 0 Comments Yummy spicy salmon salad with rice berry and power (Buddha) bowl at Coffee cup BangrakYummy spicy salmon salad with rice berry and power (Buddha) bowl at Coffee cup Bangrak Yummy spicy salmon salad with rice berry and power (Buddha) bowl at Coffee cup Bangrak (Visited 37 times, 1 visits today) buddhabowl chickenburrito coffee-cup-bangrak-koh-samui-thailand eatwell foodiegirl foodmonster happystomach healthyfood healthylunch ilovefood kohsamui salmonsalad samui thailand youarewhatyoueat yummy Share This Post Previous PostPrevious Post Next Post#repost Morning CrossFit class at Lamai Beach Crossfit