My “Only the best” shop has started in my kitchen

My “Only the best” shop has started in my kitchen. First off, I love to eat oats. I want to eat healthy breakfast & desserts while enjoying natural sweet taste without feeling guilty for my body. Also I can eat it as often as I want.
At first I started with making banana blackberry oat muffins as my pre-workout meals. I made granola for toppings with any other breakfasts like oatmeal, yogurt, smoothie bowl. Now my favorite dessert is apple & blackberry crumble.
I gave my oat menus to my friends to try and they liked them. Also on Instagram many strangers were asking me if I have a restaurant, because they want to eat my food when they come to Samui 😅. So after getting a lot of feedback ( and pushing from my friends ) I finally got inspired to also sell them as my hobby.

Markus came up with the idea to name it as “Only the best”, because I use only the best & healthy ingredients for my products. My products are less sweet than others, but still tasty 😋
Now you can order:
Oat banana blackberry muffins: 45 baht per cup
Granola with dried figs: 250 baht per 300 g 500 baht per 650 g
Oaty apple blackberry crumble: 200 baht per tray
Coming up next: Powerballs 🥰

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