@armyxxl always surprises me! Today we passed by 2 BBQ seafood buffet restaurants. We couldn't stop while driving. We kept going until we went too far from those places. I asked him if he wanna go back to that BBQ seafood buffet and up to him , I let him decide. Then we found our parking stop. He Foursquare it and found this restaurant actually near by where we parked. We didn't know that. Instead we took a beach way to get there. It was such a very nice & romantic restaurant at the hotel called Dara samui, chaweng beach. He stopped me from shopping at rip curl and dragged me to this place. I was glad that i didn't go shopping haha. I like our lifestyle here better and better. We always explore new places. I'm so thankful for our lives and everything we have now. If we were in Bangkok, we would end up going to the same restaurant and be lazy to get out of sathorn area. Haha 😂
@armyxxl always surprises me

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